Events and Tickets
Renowned French Pianists Katia and Marielle Labèque Bring Philip Glass’s Cocteau Trilogy to Life at the National Concert Hall in a Unique Experience

Renowned French Pianists Katia and Marielle Labèque Bring Philip Glass’s Cocteau Trilogy to Life at the National Concert Hall in a Unique Experience
Media Release May 10th 2024
On Saturday the 15th of June 2024 at 8pm, “The best piano duo in front of an audience today” (The New York Times), Katia and Marielle Labèque will take to the National Concert Hall stage to perform piano suites from three operas that make up Philip Glass’s Cocteau Trilogy namely: Les Enfants Terrible, Orphée and La Belle et la Bête. This unique performance, as part of the NCH Perspective Series, will be presented in an enhanced setting with set design by acclaimed French director Cyril Teste (Artistic Director) and Nina Chalot (Stage Design).
The legendary French sisters Katia and Marielle Labèque are renowned for their ensemble of synchronicity and energy. In 2021, the Labèque sisters created instrumental suites for two pianos from Philip Glass’s opera Les Enfants Terribles, based on Jean Cocteau’s film. The result was so successful that they approached Glass to complete the set with the remaining two operas in the Cocteau Trilogy: Orphée and La Belle et la Bête with the work arranged for them by Glass' music director Michael Riesman.
Philip Glass said:
‘The Labèque sisters are tremendous. They’re great performers, and great interpreters. And they’re wonderful supporters of music – not only modern music, but just music. It was great to work with them.’
The Cocteau Trilogy is a tale masterfully rendered by Glass’s colourful and infinite music, greatly influenced no doubt by the time he spent time in Paris studying under Nadia Boulanger (1964–1966), a time that garnered a love of French culture that extended well beyond music.
The Cocteau Trilogy performance by the Labèque sisters is produced and presented by the Philharmonie de Paris, in association with The National Concert Hall, Dublin; Barbican, London; Cité Musicale, Metz; Opéra National de Bordeaux; La Comète - Scène Nationale de Châlons-en-Champagne and Les Nuits de Fourvière festival.
Other upcoming concerts as part of the NCH Perspective Series include: The Kronos Quartet - Five Decades Tour, (Sun. 12 May 7.30pm) and Nils Frahm Music for Dublin (Sat. 6 & Sun. 7 July).
Katia & Marielle Labèque - Glass: La Belle et la Bête: Le Pavillon (Deutsche Grammophon).
Tickets: €29.50, €37.50, €45 (10% Discount for NCH Friends and Groups of 10 plus) Tel: 01-4170000
Media Queries: Sinead Doyle, Marketing & PR Manager, National Concert Hall, Dublin 2. 087-1775334 or Roisin Dwyer, PR & Publications Executive, 085-7129628.
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Is institiúid chultúrtha náisiúnta na hÉireann don cheol é an Ceoláras Náiiúnta, a fhreastalaíonn go bródúil ar phobal na hÉireann ó osclaíodh é i 1981 trí thaibhithe ceoil beo agus cláir shuntasacha oideachais agus chultúrtha. Lonnaithe i gcroílár Bhaile Átha Cliath, agus béal dorais le Gairdíní Uíbh Eachach, tá an Ceoláras Náisiúnta bródúil as ár gCeolfhoireann Shiansach Náisiúnta, Cór Siansach Náisiúnta, Cór Linn agus Cór na nÓg chomh maith le háit chónaithe a chur ar fáil do réimse eagraíochtaí ceoil eile lena n-áirítear Cór Aireagail Éireann, Ceolfhoireann Bharócach na hÉireann, Music Network, Crash Ensemble agus Music Generation. Tá sé i gceist faoi láthair athfhorbairt mór á dhéanamh ar na háiseanna go léir mar chuid den Phlean Forbartha Náisiúnta agus de Thionscadal Éireann 2040.
About the National Concert Hall
The National Concert Hall (NCH) is Ireland’s national cultural institution for music, proudly serving the Irish public since it opened in 1981 through live music performances and significant educational and cultural programmes. Based in the heart of Dublin’s city centre, next door to the picturesque Iveagh Gardens, the NCH is proud home to our National Symphony Orchestra, as well as providing residence for a range of other music organisations including Chamber Choir Ireland, Irish Baroque Orchestra, Music Network, Crash Ensemble and Music Generation. It is currently planning for a major redevelopment of all facilities as part of the National Development Plan and Project Ireland 2040.